Summer/Fall Conference Travel (2022)

The West Lab enjoyed traveling to IBNS in Scotland, GRC-Frontal cortex in Ventura Beach, GRC-Addiction in Maine, and SfN in San Diego in the summer and fall of 2022 (making up for lost time!).

Mark and Liz in Glasgow, Scotland

Mark, Liz, Leighelle, Joey and Evan make sure to grab In and Out while in California for GRC- Frontal Cortex

Liz, Joey, Leighelle, and Mark wander down to the beach at GRC-Frontal Cortex

Mark, Claire, Evan, Joey, Leighelle and Liz enjoy tacos for lunch in San Diego at SfN

The West lab joined the rest of the Rowan Behavioral Neuroscience group at SfN for dinner.